
George Lucas stated that Star Wars was always meant for 12-year-olds, and I know a little girl who loves the series. The Acolyte wasn't made for the fans who grew up watching Star Wars on VHS, it was made for all sorts of diverse young fans of today. I really enjoyed the first season, and I want to see how the whole story wraps up. We don't need endless seasons, but at least finish the story! How does The Acolyte lead into The Phantom Menace? There were plots introduced that need to be filled, to tell a whole cohesive story. I want to see how the surviving characters develop, and what roles Plagueis and Yoda played. A standalone movie, or two, could tie up all the loose threads, but it would be even better to have at least one more season. Please just wrap up the story. · The world’s platform for change



